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Amy and Danielle
Danielle's first discipleship group
Danielle's dental bay (dental slang for those crazy people I drill teeth beside)
Amy and Danielle
Amy and her sweet Brandon
Danielle and her best friends
Danielle and Amy with their two best friends
Danielle's family PJ Christmas
Danielle and Amy's Discipleship group
So many strong woman in this picture!
Danielle and best friends from college. All independent woman!!
Danielle with dental school friends. Faith is 100%
Danielle and Derek with his parents
Danielle and Derek
Amy and Brandon!
Danielle, Amanda (their best friend), and Amy...at a wedding! LOL
Amy and her beautiful sisters!!
Amy and Jill (her travel buddy/sister)
Amy and Danielle and their besties
Amy and Danielle
Pretending to Study
So much love
Beautiful Amy
Danielle loves stilettos
We love dancing