Meet Amy
“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever—do not abandon the works of your hands.” Psalm 138:8
From left to right, my sister Molly, brother Travis, me, my dad, my sister Kerri, and my sister Jill.
Hi everyone, my name is Amy Robinson. I am from a town in Central Kentucky called Bardstown, but I have currently lived in Lexington, Kentucky for the past 10 years. Most of my huge family still lives in the Bardstown area. Oh, and speaking of family, I am from a HUGE family. My parents have five children, of which I am the youngest. My extended family is around 30 aunts and uncles and tons of first cousins. I am also the aunt to eight nieces and nephews, and I couldn’t be more proud of all of them. My husband’s name is Brandon, and he is my very best friend. He comes from a wonderful family as well, and I am truly blessed to have married into it. Brandon and I probably couldn’t be more opposite of one another, though. It's always an adventure! We don’t have any children yet, but we welcome that blessing from God. We do have a golden retriever named Derby, and she is a ball of fun!
Me and my husband, Brandon
Life with Christ
Jesus has been in my heart from a very young age. I learned about the Lord from my sweet mom who has actually gone to be with him in Heaven. I am forever grateful to my mom for teaching me about the love of Christ. My relationship with the Lord has changed over the years, but I do not know what I would have done without him in my life. Like most people I have had highs and times of much celebration, but I have also had lows and times of sorrow. Through all of this fluctuation, God has remained constant in my life.
Visiting the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.
Myself and my coworker at a meeting with Senator McConnell.
My parents always saw that as a child I loved school. They used this to encourage me. After high school I moved from Bardstown to Lexington to attend the University of Kentucky. Since I was about 12 years old I had wanted to be an attorney, so I set off for UK thinking that was my plan. My college advisor told me to major in something that I would like to do should I not end up going to law school. So I received a bachelors of science degree in Agriculture – Rural Sociology, and a minor in Political Science. After college I was broke so I actually decided to work for a couple of years and then maybe go back to attend law school. I took a position with the company I work for today, and I just celebrated my six-year anniversary with them. About three years ago God did call me back to law school as well. So I am a full-time employee in agricultural finance, and I am a part-time law student.
Like I said, at a fairly young age, God put it on my heart to become a lawyer. My path to get there has been less traditional, but more in line with how God planned it. I used to think it was wrong because God didn’t allow me to go to law school right after undergraduate, but as I look back I know his timing really is always perfect. When I’m asked why I decided to study the law, my quick answer has always been I love it and am interested in it. But, I think the more important reason is that God has called me to this. God has laid a specific vocation on my heart, and I don’t exactly know why all the time. However, the more time I spend in the legal community the more I realize there are a lot of lost and hurting people who can be touched by the love of Christ. Maybe God put me here to be that for them?
“He told them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’” Luke 10:2
Mom, Me, and Dad at college graduation